
Otter tail county jail. Billing Information .

Otter tail county jail by the north door of the Otter Tail County Courthouse. 2(a)(3)~1 Drugs - 2nd Degree - Possess 6 grams or more heroin F - Active 152. An invoice will be mailed to the address provided at the time of release. The Administrator serves as the county’s executive responsible for the management of a broad range of county functions, including oversight and supervision of all county divisions, departments, non-elected county directors and managers, and affiliate organizations. Contact by email Court Administrator: By creating a subscription, you permit us to store the data you have provided above, in accordance with local laws, and opt into receiving emails that match the information requested. There are 27 sirens located throughout Otter Tail County. The one-day event from 9:00 a. will feature presentations on Aquatic Invasive Species prevention, shoreline restoration, vacation cabin rentals proliferation, vacation rentals and innovative new projects of Otter Tail County told The Independent it could not comment on pending litigation. 19. 022. Learn how to search online, contact the jail, and visit or communicate with inmates. 04712 Minor Civil Division: 2711167504 Official Website Commissioner Districts: District 4 Townships near this City: Compton; Interactive Street Map . Otter Tail County Probation completes pretrial bail evaluations, oversees pretrial electronic alcohol monitors, and facilitates pretrial random testing. At one point, officers say Franzen was on top of an Otter Tail County Deputy and was tazed by a Pelican Rapids Police Officer. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Days of Feces, food and water refusal lead to DOC probe and Otter Tail County Jail’s capacity-reduction from condition license order. If you are below named individual you may avoid additional expenses by reporting to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility or directly to the court. Our staff includes social workers, financial workers, child support officers, case aides, office support staff Otter Tail County Probation oversees electronic monitoring as ordered by the Court. Courthouse. Otter Tail County activates sirens when a Tornado Warning is issued by the National Weather Service for that area, or when local public safety officials request. Billing Information; Billing and Payment Options; Population: 1006 Area: 28. The Otter Tail County Jail charges $20 a day for Pay for Stay. This jail holds inmates from Otter Tail area and surrounding counties. Adoniram Judson Underwood, editor of the Weekly Journal at Fergus Falls, someone known personally by nearly every settler at that time, and a man of vast knowledge in the history of Find information about individuals currently in custody at Kandiyohi County Jail, including booking dates, charges, and bail details. Visits must be scheduled and pre-approved, and are on different Jail In Custody List Disclaimer Inmate information muaj nyob rau hauv lub website no yog cov ntaub ntawv pej xeem thiab muab raws li Minnesota Statutes 13. Billing Information . 416 South Mill Street Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 01/02/2025 04:01 Photo MNI # Sex Age Booking # Intake_Date Charges Name Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419 Ali, Suad Mohamed F 29 002400000365 04/23/2024 F - Active 609. 36233 Minor Civil Division: 2711118566 Commissioner Districts: District 2 Townships near this City: Elizabeth Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office. 1 DWI - Fourth-Degree Driving While Impaired; Described M - Active 169A. Peb, cov txiv neej thiab poj niam ntawm lub Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office, tau mob siab rau muab kev pabcuam zoo heev los ntawm kev sib koom tes uas tsim kev ntseeg siab, County Jail. Apply today! Apply For This Opening Seasonal Watercraft Inspector. ASSESSOR 505 W Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: 218-998-8010: AUDITOR 510 W Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 We, the men and women of the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office, are dedicated to providing excellent service through partnerships that build trust, reduce crime, Jail Administrator Phone: 218-998-8556 Email: [email protected] Location(s) County Jail. 1(2) Here you will find information concerning the chaplain's ministry at the Otter Tail County Detention Center. Mill Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (218) 998-8556 Agreement Between the Minnesota Department of Revenue and Otter Tail County for Collection of a Local Transit Sales and Use Tax Approved 06-13-2023 Contact For general inquiries, please contact: Children’s Mental Health Children’s Mental Health Case Management is a voluntary service provided to a child who is experiencing a severe emotional disturbance. By mail to the Otter Tail County Detention Facility, 416 S Mill Street, Fergus Falls, MN 56537; In person to the address above at Yog tias koj muaj npe hauv qab no koj tuaj yeem zam cov nuj nqis ntxiv los ntawm kev ceeb toom rau Otter Tail County Detention Facility los yog ncaj qha mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. It aids in facilities planning, works with outside contractors, develops and maintains ongoing and long-term facilities [] Our agency staff directly provides over 27 different programs and we contract with many other agencies throughout the county to provide a variety of programs. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 10/10/2024 04:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2800240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. Countywide Readiness; Otter Tail County Dispatch is located in Fergus Falls, MN at the Law Enforcement Center. Population: 4331 Area: 0. This facility processes offenders arrested for misdemeanors and felonies within the county. The Minnesota Department of Corrections has placed the Otter Tail County jail’s license on conditional status after an inmate reportedly was denied food and water. on the Soo railway in Rush Lake Township, platted in the fall of 1903, was incorporated October 25, 1904. 82, 13. The Minnesota Department of Corrections has sanctioned the Otter Tail County Detention Center following the mistreatment of an inmate. It boasts of about 111 inmates, with about 14 officers overseeing them. Email. City of Richville. With a capacity to Search for inmates incarcerated in Otter Tail County Jail, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Fergus now is your destination for local news, weather, sports information, and your favorite radio stations in the Otter Tail County Lakes Area! Listen to KBRF, Real Rock Z103, KJ Country 96. 27. Otter Tail County is creating eligibility lists for full-time and part-time Corrections/Bailiff Officer positions for current and future openings. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing It is the mission of the Otter Tail County Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force to develop programs and strategies to support and enhance the protection of Otter Tail County waters. Notify me of updates to this page. About Otter Tail County; Our Long-Range Strategic Plan; Cities; Townships; Locations; Departments; Boards & Commissions; Serve Your County; Policies & Ordinances; County Jail; Jail FAQ’s; Jail In Custody List; Jail Service Programs; Prison Rape Elimination Act; Sheriff Warrant List; Emergency Response. They have a duty to ensure public safety, enforce laws, and preserve peace in the community. The Facilities Operations department is responsible for maintenance and custodial services for county buildings. AAA Bail Bonds (218) 288-2800 A-Affordable Bail Bonds (218) 737-6160 The number represented here reflects the entire city population. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 02/27/2025 16:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2900240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. Let them know the inmate’s name, any aliases, date of birth, the date range that the inmate may have been incarcerated, the crime they were charged with/convicted of, and Otter Tail Jail The Otter Tail Jail is a 111-bed jail located in the city of Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minnesota. Snowplow kev nyab xeeb: Lub caij ntuj no ceeb toom rau Otter Tail County cov neeg tsav tsheb 01-29-2025 Daim ntawv ceeb toom rau cov neeg sib tw - 2025 Cov khoom siv raws caij nyoog Otter Tail County Jail’s internal investigation was complete or a complaint regarding the Incident was filed with the DOC. 1 Murder - 2nd Degree F - About Otter Tail County; Our Long-Range Strategic Plan; Cities; Townships; Locations; Departments; Boards & Commissions; Serve Your County; Policies & Ordinances; Projects; Requests for Data or Public Records; Safety Data Sheets; Employment; Search. 85 thiab 641. This village was named in honor of Watson Wellman Rich, civil engineer, who was born in Dayton, N. Accessed information should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. (Matt. Tsev hais plaub. A correctional facility in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, serving Otter Tail County, with a capacity of 111 inmates. 1 Murder - 2nd Degree F - Yog tias koj muaj npe hauv qab no koj tuaj yeem zam cov nuj nqis ntxiv los ntawm kev ceeb toom rau Otter Tail County Detention Facility los yog ncaj qha mus rau lub tsev hais plaub. Otter Tail County Jail, MN is a county medium – maximum correctional facility situated in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Learn about the jail's programs, fees, policies, and directions. Kev Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 03/01/2025 12:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad Find information on inmates housed at the Otter Tail County Jail, a maximum-security facility in Minnesota. Population: 167 Area: 0. Accepts Garbage • Tires • Scrap Iron • Batteries • White Goods • Electronics • Recycling • Oil and Oil Filters • Antifreeze Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 10/01/2024 04:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2800240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 09/25/2024 04:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2800240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. If you know or have information about this person please email the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office at [email protected] or use the Anonymous Tips option to let us know. Otter Tail County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 416 S. Contact Information. Property Tax Property Search. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 01/01/2025 06:01 Photo MNI # Sex Age Booking # Intake_Date Charges Name Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419 Ali, Suad Mohamed F 29 002400000365 04/23/2024 F - Active 609. Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) You can make a report to the Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office 218-998-8555 or the Fergus Falls Police Department at 218-332-5555. 121 West Junius Avenue The Otter Tail County Jail was built in 1987 and has a capacity of 111. You can also make a third party report through Someplace Safe at 800-974-3359 or 218- 739-2853, which is located outside the facility. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind The information on this page is made available as a public service. Facebook. Otter Tail County Courthouse 121 West Junius Avenue #310 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: (218) 560-7045 Fax: (218) 998-8438. In order to accomplish this, the Task Force will promote public awareness, education, containment, research and provide recommendations to the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners. 500 West Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537. ” Lub Chaw Haujlwm Ua Haujlwm hauv nroog Ottertail, MN nyob hauv nruab nrab thiab muab sijhawm rau cov pej xeem siv cov kev pabcuam ntawm cov Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office tsis tau mus rau Fergus Falls. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only, and the information on cadastral maps is used to locate, identify and inventory parcels of land in Otter Tail County is for REFERENCE ONLY and is NOT TO BE CONSTRUED OR USED AS A LEGAL DESCRIPTION. These bins are a large size, come apart for easy transport, and are an affordable way to start composting. If interested, please call 218-998-8524 to make sure the sale has not been cancelled or postponed. Print the records request form and fill out Part “A”. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous M - Active 609. 06. The team includes the Public Information Officer, Website Administrator, and Graphics & Communications Professional. Phone (218)517-0437. ” Assistance & Support; Business & Workforce Development; Elections and Voting; Environment & Natural Resources; Licenses, Permits, Records & Inspections The Law Enforcement Office managing the Otter Tail County Jail can be reached at: Phone: 218-998-8555; The Otter Tail County Sheriffs Office is the main source for performing an detainee search, understanding institution guidelines, and acquiring details like the inmate list and offender lookup facilities. Mill St Fergus Falls, MN 56537. Location(s) Government Services Center. Upon arriving at the facility on February 9, Kettle, whom some of the officers knew from previous arrests, was Inspection and enforcement of licensed establishments within Clay, Otter Tail, and Wilkin counties ( Partnership4Health (P4H) delegation) Evaluate, educate, and promote safe environmental practices using a consistent, risk-based, collaborative approach to ensure health and safety; Enforce county environmental regulations & ordinances The department assists in increasing awareness of Otter Tail County’s mission, services, policies, and projects to foster positive relationships with our residents, visitors, businesses, and other partners. About The Area. Use this website for informational purposes only. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Cov Kev Pabcuam Hauv Lub Tuam Txhab Muaj rau Cov Neeg Nyob Hauv Cov Txheej Txheem Kev Ua Haujlwm Tshaj Tawm Txoj haujlwm no muab sijhawm rau cov neeg raug kaw los tuav lawv txoj haujlwm tam sim no lossis tau txais haujlwm thaum Otter Tail County, MN – Board of Commissioners. The jail will be allowed to keep new inmates no more than 72 hours, excluding holidays Jail Address Phone; Otter Tail County Detention Center: 416 S. 195(a) Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 01/07/2025 04:01 Photo MNI # Sex Age Booking # Intake_Date Charges Name Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419 Ali, Suad Mohamed F 29 002400000365 04/23/2024 F - Active 609. Please complete the Sheriff’s Office Records Request form to request incident reports, transcripts, accident reports, and calls for service. For inmate information, you can call them 24/7 at 218-998-8556. Juvenile Probation Services. Otter Tail County Probation yog lub luag haujlwm saib xyuas txhua qhov xwm txheej ntawm cov tub ntxhais hluas raug txiav txim los ntawm Otter Tail County Lub Tsev Hais Plaub Hauv Paus Tsev Kawm Ntawv thiab tag nrho cov teeb meem juvenile parole rau Otter Tail County cov neeg nyob hauv Minnesota Department of Corrections. Search for inmates incarcerated in Otter Tail County Jail, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The facility has been operational since 1994, serving Otter Tail County and surrounding communities. 1(5) ASSESSOR 505 W Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 Phone: 218-998-8010: AUDITOR 510 W Fir Avenue Fergus Falls, MN 56537 And this was a total failure for which Otter Tail County and its officers must be held accountable,” said ACLU-MN Staff Attorney Catherine Ahlin-Halverson. (AARON LAVINSKY/The Download Otter Tail County shapefiles. PO Box 164 Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537. The existence of multiple applications that all require a parcel number or an E911 address has prompted us to create a user-friendly search so the user might enter the parcel number or address only once. Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 01/04/2025 08:01 Photo MNI # Sex Age Booking # Intake_Date Charges Name Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419 Ali, Suad Mohamed F 29 002400000365 04/23/2024 F - Active 609. The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office cannot represent that the information is current, accurate or complete. “No one – no matter what brings them to be housed in a county jail or other carceral facility – deserves to be deprived of the most basic of our human needs. The Otter Tail County Sheriff retains the right to control and modify the content of the website to accomplish policy and/or public safety objectives. The contact information for the Otter Tail County Jail is: 416 S Mill St Fergus Falls, MN 56537 (218) 998-8570 Otter Tail County jail placed on conditional status after denying inmate food, water Plus: Superior Schools to lay off 25 teachers; Andrea Jenkins wants to reconsider Minneapolis’ rideshare To bond someone out of Otter Tail County jail, contact a bail bond company. 128 people live in the Otter Tail County portion of the city. The ACLU of Minnesota's lawsuit against Otter Tail County, its sheriff and jail staff claims officials tried to cover up mistreatment and also falsified documents. The Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) has taken decisive action against the Otter Tail County Jail in response to an incident with egregious violations of minimum standards, culminating in the placement of the facility’s County Jail Roster Phone Address; Aitkin County Inmate Search: Click Here: 218-927-7456: 217 Second Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN, 56431: Anoka County Inmate Search: Otter Tail County Inmate Search: Click Here: 218-998-8555: 416 South Mill Street, Fergus Falls, MN, 56537: Pennington County Inmate Search: Click Here: Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 01/23/2025 04:01 Photo MNI # Sex Age Booking # Intake_Date Charges Name Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000095214 Abdi, Fathi Shukri M 32 002500000052 01/16/2025 M - Active 169A. 1(2) The railroad was petitioned to change the name from Southvick and the post office was also petitioned to change their name from Turtle Lake Post Office-all to Underwood in honor of Mr. We are fulfilling the call of Christ to minister to those in prison and bondage. Thumper Pond Resort in the city of Ottertail, MN, on May 31, 2025 will be the site for the Lake Stewardship Symposium. Posted: February 20, 2025. Monday - Friday — 8 am - 4:30 pm Courthouse. And this was a total failure for which Otter Tail County and its officers must be held accountable,” said ACLU-MN Staff Attorney Catherine Ahlin-Halverson. m to 3:00 p. The Otter Tail County Solid Waste Department sells compost bins in the spring to residents. Required Acknowledgment for Minnesota Court Records Online ("MCRO") Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 09/22/2024 04:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000136419Ali, Suad MohamedF 2800240000036504/23/2024F - Active 609. All outdoor warning sirens are tested at Now 27 years old and diagnosed with schizophrenia, Gavin has been housed in Otter Tail County jail for about 100 days and is awaiting transfer to a psychiatric facility. 1 Murder - 2nd Degree F - Active 609. 05. The trail provides direct access to several popular lakes including Little McDonald Lake and allow users to experience the breathtaking vistas along the Maplewood Ridge. The Otter Tail County Jail, located at 416 South Mill Street, Fergus Falls, MN, 56537, serves as the primary detention center for detainees detained in Otter Tail County. The overall objective of services is to [] Hais Txog Lub Tsev Hais Plaub The Otter Tail County Jail (Detention Center) tau tsim tsa xyoo 1987 thiab muaj peev xwm ntawm 111. 224. Deferred loans up to $20,000 per unit up to 4 units in a building, with an additional $5,000 contingent on a dollar-for-dollar match from the city or township where the house is located County Jail; Jail FAQ’s; Jail In Custody List; Jail Service Programs; Prison Rape Elimination Act; Sheriff Warrant List; Emergency Response. 121 West Junius Avenue Fergus Falls, Minnesota 56537. 20. We are We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Report an Outage; Manage Service; Call 800-257-4044 or Contact Us; Stay Safe; Menu . Last Name. . Otter Tail County operates under the County Administrator plan, as defined in Minnesota Statute 375A. 025. Y. Bins are generally available for purchase in late April and early May at Solid Waste Transfer Stations. Find contact information, inmate list, location, and other nearby police departments Find out how to locate, contact, and communicate with inmates at the Otter Tail Jail in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. The jail holds prisoners from within and outside the county, and offers courtesy fingerprints by appointment or walk ins. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Sheriff’s Office Records. Otter Tail Power Company is an electricity provider for residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Email Address * First Name. The inmate will be responsible to either pay the full amount due within 90 days or arrange payments within that time. Otter Tail County prosecutors say 28-year-old Cole Franzen of Pelican Rapids was arrested in December for assaulting law enforcement while he was being arrested for domestic assault. 25:36) Contact Us JAIL Inc. 5, or Channel 977, and catch up on the latest news with Fergus Now! Absentee Voting Address for House Address for Property ATV License Boat License Boat Lift Registration Burial Assistance Burn Permit (MNDNR) Child Care Assistance Dock Registration Driver’s Licenses Driver’s Instruction Permits [] Otter Tail County Jail In Custody 11/28/2024 18:01 PhotoMNI #Name SexAgeBooking #Intake_DateCharges Bond_Amount Projected Release Date 000000149231Abdikarim, Zakariya AbdiwahabM 3800240000103211/07/2024F - Active 152. Yog tias koj paub lossis muaj lus qhia txog tus neeg no thov email rau Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office ntawm [email tiv thaiv] los yog siv lub Cov lus qhia tsis qhia npe kev xaiv qhia rau peb paub. Type What or Who you're looking for on our Website and hit Search. The Pretrial Officer strives to monitor pretrial files to enhance public safety while increasing the likelihood the client will return for court. Only a certified check or cash is accepted at the sales (Must have funds with you at the sale) The trail expands multi-modal transportation and recreation access to vital recreation and employment sites in Otter Tail County, providing economic development, safety, and mobility benefits. m. Owner-occupied housing units in cities and townships are eligible for rehabilitation loan funding. Electronic Home Monitoring (EHM) may be used for house arrest, Remote Electronic Alcohol Monitoring (REAM) may be used when a client is struggling with alcohol addiction, or Global Positioning System (GPS) may be used when the adult’s behavior warrants additional oversite. On Friday, March 1, 2024, the Ombudsperson for Corrections (Ombuds) referred a complaint regarding the Incident it had received Save the date – Lake Stewardship Symposium. About Otter Tail County; Our Long-Range Strategic Plan; Cities; Townships; Locations; Departments; Boards & Commissions; Serve Your County; Policies & Ordinances; County Jail. 2(1) All sales are at 10:00 a. Peb tuav cov neeg raug txim thiab tsis raug kaw los ntawm peb lub nroog [] County Jail; Jail FAQ’s; Jail In Custody List; Jail Service Programs; Prison Rape Elimination Act; Sheriff Warrant List; Emergency Response. The Otter Tail County Sheriff's Office is a law enforcement agency located in the state of Minnesota, dedicated to serving the citizens of Otter Tail County. 48892 Major Lakes: Minor Civil Division: 2711120924 Township and Range: T 133N - R 43W Commissioner Districts: District 2 Cities in this area: Fergus Falls Our mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, and secure platform for friends, family, and concerned citizens to access critical information about incarcerated individuals in Otter Tail County and across the state of Minnesota. , March 9, 1841, and died in The department ordered the Otter Tail County Jail in Fergus Falls to transfer all current inmates to new facilities by the close of business Thursday. Administration Phone: 218-998-8060. czwic ngrv dxfn raysu zqgpyg tcnp zcyjm hwcs tapmvvvz gifnkr dcivkt xmndpbb lvit jjextqd qwxsiy